Cristiano Ronaldo Celebrates His New House at Geres, Portugal

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Cristiano Ronaldo spends his last summer holiday in his new house in Geres, North Portugal with his family and Irina. The house that worth around €4 million is located in the mountains, a great spot for hiding place.

He started to build the house on July , last year. With over than 770 m2, the house is surrounded by forest, completed with Jacuzzi and Turkish bath.

For the opening of the house, Ronaldo will invite his close friends, including Fabio Coentrao.


Cristiano Ronaldo spends his last summer holiday in his new house in Geres, North Portugal with his family and Irina. The house that worth around €4 million is located in the mountains, a great spot for hiding place.

He started to build the house on July , last year. With over than 770 m2, the house is surrounded by forest, completed with Jacuzzi and Turkish bath.

For the opening of the house, Ronaldo will invite his close friends, including Fabio Coentrao.

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