Cristianomania in Los Angeles

تابعـنـــا علــى تـوتيـــــر :

Everybody wants a piece of Cristiano Ronaldo. Anywhere he goes, hundreds of fans are waiting for him and ready to greet him with the hope to get a picture of him. And if they are lucky, they might get Cristiano himself to sign his autograph on their jersey or poster.

The same thing happens in UCLA facilities, Los Angeles, where Cristiano Ronaldo has been scheduled for training session everyday. Before and after the training,  Cristianomania are waiting infront of the facilities. He approached some of the fans patiently, just for pictures, or signing autograph. No doubt, Cristiano Ronaldo is the face of Real Madrid.


Everybody wants a piece of Cristiano Ronaldo. Anywhere he goes, hundreds of fans are waiting for him and ready to greet him with the hope to get a picture of him. And if they are lucky, they might get Cristiano himself to sign his autograph on their jersey or poster.

The same thing happens in UCLA facilities, Los Angeles, where Cristiano Ronaldo has been scheduled for training session everyday. Before and after the training,  Cristianomania are waiting infront of the facilities. He approached some of the fans patiently, just for pictures, or signing autograph. No doubt, Cristiano Ronaldo is the face of Real Madrid.

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